Thursday, December 18, 2014

15. Ordering at a Restaurant

thank you
(or tab)
drink   drank  drinking
eat    ate  eaten    eating
order   ordered   ordering
would like

15. Ordering at a Restaurant: Story

Anthony is a big cat who lives with his five cat-friends in Chinatown in San Francisco, California.
Today is his birthday (1) so he invites his five friends to go with him (2) to his favorite restaurant.
They sit together (3) at a big table (4). The server asks them what they would like to order.
Anthony tells her that he and his friends want (5) to eat Chinese food and would like to see the menu. The server brings (6) menus and shows them (7) the appetizers.
They decide to order Chinese chicken wings (8) and egg rolls (9). They will have herbal tea (10) to drink.
When the appetizers arrive, (11) Anthony orders the same (12) entrée for himself (13) and his friends—chow mein.
For dessert Anthony orders Chinese fortune cookies (14). Anthony orders enough (15) for himself and his friends.
When they finish (16) eating, Anthony asks the server to please bring them the bill. The meal (17) for all six cats costs (18) $4.12.
Anthony thinks the price (19) is very reasonable. He leaves (22) the server a big tip--$5,000!

1)       su cumpleaños
2)       lo acompaña
3)       se sientan juntos
4)       mesa grande
5)       quieren
6)       trae
7)       les muestra
8)       alas de pollo chino
9)       rollos de huevo
10)   té de hierbas
11)   llegan
12)   la misma
13)   para sí mismo
14)   galletas de fortuna
15)   suficiente/bastante
16)   terminan de
17)   comida
18)   cuesta
19)   piensa/cree el precio
20)   deja

15. Ordering at a Restaurant: Reading

Anthony is a big cat who lives in San Francisco, California. He lives at in the center of Chinatown.
The San Francisco Chinatown is the largest Chinese community outside of (1) Asia. Many Chinese immigrants came (2) to the US for the California gold rush (3) of 1849.
Today is Anthony’s birthday so (4) he’s inviting his five neighbor friends to accompany him to his favorite restaurant.
The six cats sit together (5) at a big table (6). The server asks them what they would like to order.
Anthony tells her (7) that he and his friends are very hungry (8) and would really like (9) to eat some good Chinese food. He asks her for the menu.
The server, who is a peacock, (10) brings (11) six menus and shows them (12) the appetizers.
The cats decide right away (13) to order Chinese chicken wings (14) and egg rolls (15). They will have herbal tea (16) to drink.
While (17) they are enjoying (18) the appetizers, they decide to try (19) the restaurant’s special: chow mein.
When the server returns, (20) Anthony orders the entrée—six servings of chow mein for himself (21) and his friends.
The server brings them chopsticks (22) to eat their meal. They put soy sauce (23) on their chow mein instead of (24) salt.
For dessert, Anthony asks the server to please bring them fortune cookies (25).
He and his friends enjoy eating the cookies and sharing their fortunes written (26) on small papers inside (27) the cookies.
When they have finished (28) eating, the server brings them (29) the bill. The meal (30) for all six cats comes to (31) $4.12.
Anthony thinks (32) that is very reasonable so he leaves (33) the server a big tip--$5,000!
The server is very pleased (34) and tells the cats thank you and that she will be happy to serve them again (35) when they come back. (36)

1)       fuera
2)       vinieron
3)       fiebre de oro
4)       Hoy es el cumpleaños de modo que
5)       se sientan juntos
6)       mesa grande
7)       le dice
8)       tienen hambre
9)       les encantaría
10)   pavo real
11)   trae
12)   les muestra
13)   de inmediato
14)   alas de pollo
15)   rollos de huevo
16)   té de hierbas
17)   Mientras
18)   gozan de
19)   probar
20)   vuelve
21)   para sí mismo
22)   palillos
23)   salsa de soya
24)   en vez de
25)   galletas de fortuna
26)   escritas
27)   papeles pequeños dentro de
28)   han terminado
29)   les trae
30)   comida
31)   llega a
32)   piensa/cree
33)   deja
34)   satisfecha
35)   otra ver
36)   vuelvan

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

13.Asking Directions

traffic light
mile (or kilometer)
need    needed   needing
go   went   gone    going  
turn   turned  turning
ask   asked  asking

13. Asking for Directions: Story 
Derek is visiting a friend in Raleigh, North Carolina. He needs to buy a stamp. (1) He asks a policeman where the post office is.

The policeman is a walrus (2). He tells Derek that the post office is not far. He says it is near the capitol building (3). He gives him (4) directions:

“Turn right at the corner, go to the traffic light, go straight three more blocks (5) and turn left.

Derek tries to follow (6) the directions, but can’t remember (7) if he should (8) turn right of left at the corner. Soon (9) he is lost.

This time (10) he asks a teenage boy (11) where the post office is. The young man tells Derek that the post office is far away—about (12) three miles.

He makes (13) a map for Derek. Derek tells him thanks and follows the map carefully (14).

He goes straight for three miles, stops (15) at the traffic light, turns left at the corner and sees the American flag (16).

Now he knows (17) he’s at the post office. Suddenly (18) he starts to worry (19).

Derek is not sure (20) if he know the way back (21) to his hotel. Worst of all, (22) Derek doesn’t remember the name of the hotel!

1)       comprar un timbre
2)       morsa
3)       capitolio
4)       le da
5)       cuadras más
6)       trata de seguir
7)       no puede recordar
8)       debe
9)       Pronto está perdido
10)   Esta vez
11)   un joven
12)   cerca de
13)   hace
14)   cuidadosamente
15)   para, se detiene,
16)   bandera
17)   Ahora sabe
18)   De repente
19)   comienza a preocuparse
20)   seguro
21)   sabe el camino de regreso
22)  Lo peor de todo

13. Asking for Directions: Reading 

Derek is from Juneau, Alaska, the state’s capital. It’s really not cold there. (1) The average low (2) temperature is 23 °F in January. Spring summer, and fall are cool, (3) with highs in July at 65 °F.

Derek is visiting his friend Max in Raleigh, North Carolina. The city was named for Sir Walter Raleigh who helped establish the English in this area in 1584.

Derek needs to send his property tax payment (4) to Juneau. He decides to buy a stamp and mail (5) it in.

Derek goes up to a policeman and asks him where the post office (6) is. The policeman, a walrus, (7) tells Derek that the post office is not far.

He says it is near the state capitol building (8). He gives him (9) directions: “Turn right at the corner, go to the traffic light, go three blocks and turn left. You can’t miss it,” (10).

Derek tries to follow (11) the directions, but can’t remember (12) if he’s should (13) turn right of left at the corner. Very soon (14) he is lost. He decides to ask someone else (15)

There is a teenage boy (16) standing near the corner. The young man (17) tells Derek that it’s a long way (18) to the post office—about (19) three miles.

Derek is surprised that it’s so far! It has only been a short time ago (20) that the walrus policeman gave him (21) directions.

The young man draws (22) a map for Derek. Derek tells him thanks and follows (23) the map very carefully (24).

He goes straight for three miles, stops (25) at the traffic light, turns left at the corner and sees the American flag (26).

Now he knows (27) he’s at the post office. Suddenly (28) he starts to worry (29). He’s not sure if he can find his way back (30) to his hotel. Worst of all, (31) Derek doesn’t remember (32) the name of the hotel!

He checks his pockets (33) and finds the hotel key (34). It doesn’t have the hotel’s name, but it does have (35) the name of a pizzeria. Derek thinks if he goes there they can direct him (36) to the hotel. It’s his only hope! (37)

1         En verdad no hace frío allí.
2         por medio bajo
3         En la primavera, el verano y el otoño hace fresco
4         enviar; mandar su impuesto de propiedad
5         comprar un timbre y echarle al correo
6         oficina de correo
7         morsa
8         capitolio estatal
9         le da
10     No lo puede perder
11     trata de seguir
12     no recuerda
13     debe
14     Muy pronto
15     a otro
16     un joven
17     el joven adulto
18     bien lejos
19     cerca de
20     hace poco
21     le dio
22     dibuja
23     sigue
24     cuidadosamente
25     para; se detiene
26     bandera
27     Ahora sabe
28     De repente
29     comienza a preocuparse
30     seguro if puede encontrar su camino de regreso
31     Lo peor de todo
32     recuerda
33     revisa sus bolsillos
34     llave
35     sí tiene
36     dirigirle
37     única esperanza

12. Getting Something Fixed

the bill
out of order
doesn’t work/didn’t
look/looked/ looking
turn on/off/turned/turning

12. Getting Something Fixed: Story

Frances is a zebra. She lives in an apartment in Chicago. She really likes (1) her apartment and her neighbors.

Her best friend (2) is a mouse named (3) Lawrence. He lives near (4) Frances’ apartment.

Frances has a problem. Her dishwasher doesn’t work. It doesn’t turn on. She asks Lawrence to come look at it (5).

Lawrence can’t help. He doesn’t know (6) very much about dishwashers, but he knows a guy (7) who is a repairman who will come and fix it.

The repairman’s name is Randy. He fixes stoves, refrigerators, washers, dishwashers and dryers. He has been working as a repairman for a long time (8).

Randy looks at the dishwasher. There is a little part (9) that is broken. It only takes him (10) two minutes to replace it.

Now the dishwasher is working fine. It will turn on and off with no problem. It’s fixed. Frances is happy.

Randy gives her (11) the bill. The bill comes to $5,525.28. Frances thinks it’s too much. (12)

Randy says since (13) Frances is Lawrence’s friend he will give her a discount and only charge her (14) for the part he replaced. Frances pays him (15) $3.05.

1)       Le encantan
2)       Su mejor amigo
3)       ratón llamado
4)       cerca
5)       inspeccionarlo
6)       no sabe
7)       conoce a un tipo
8)       hace mucho tiempo que trabaja como técnico/reparador
9)       pieza pequeña
10)   Sólo le lleva
11)   le da
12)   cree que/piensa que es demasiado
13)   dice que puesto que
14)   le cobra
15)   le paga

 12. Getting Something Fixed: Reading

Frances is a zebra from Africa. She moved (1) to  Chicago just a year ago (2) to study and get a career (3) as a dancer.

Frances’ is living in an apartment in Chicago. She really likes (4) her apartment and her neighbors.

Her best friend (5) is a mouse named (6) Lawrence. Frances and Lawrence met on a train platform. (7)

Frances has a problem. Her dishwasher isn’t working. It won’t turn on. She doesn’t know what to do. (8)

She asks Lawrence for suggestions (9). Lawrence doesn’t know very much about dishwashers, but he does know a repairman named Randy.

They call Randy up and ask him to come over (10) and look at Frances’ dishwasher.

Randy knows how to fix stoves, refrigerators, washers, dishwashers and dryers. He is delighted (11) to come to Frances’ house.

Randy inspects her dishwasher. He discovers that there is a little part (12) that is broken and it needs to be replaced (13).

It only takes him (14) two minutes and thirty-three seconds to replace it. Now the dishwasher is working fine. It turns on and off with no problem. It’s fixed.

Randy gives Frances his usual bill. This bill is $5,525.28 for the repair (15). Frances is upset (16). This is more money than she makes in a week! (17)

Randy says that because (18) Frances is Lawrence’s friend he will give her a discount. He only charges her (19) for the part he replaced (20). Frances pays (21) $3.05 for the broken part. Now everyone (22) is happy!

16)   se mudó
17)   hace solo un año
18)   conseguir una carrera
19)   le encantan
20)   su mejor amigo
21)   un ratón llamado
22)   se conocieron en un andén del tren
23)   no sabe que hacer
24)   sugerencias
25)   le dan una llamada y le piden que venga/pase
26)   contentísimo
27)   pieza pequeña
28)   necesita ser reemplazada
29)   Sólo le lleva
30)   reparación
31)   disgustada
32)   gana en una semana
33)   dice que porque
34)   sólo le cobra
35)   reemplazó
36)   paga
37)   Ahora todos