Thursday, September 25, 2014

2. Talking about Your Family

Vocabulary presented in class:
parents (mother & father)
child (one)
I have He is She is We are

2. Talking About Your Family: Story

There is (1) a boy named George. His mother, Nancy, lives (2) in Kansas and his father, Ralph, works (3) in Hawaii.

This is a problem because (4) George wants to talk (5) with his father.

George tells (6) his grandparents he wants to visit his father in Hawaii. They give him (7) $5.00 and tell him to fly. (8)

At the airport, George tries to buy a ticket (9) to Honolulu. But he doesn’t have enough money (10). George is sad. (11)

George’s sister wants to go to Hawaii, too. (12) Together they get on a big bird (13) and in two hours and twelve minutes they arrive (14) at their father’s house in Hawaii.

George is happy to see (15) his father and his father is happy to see his son and daughter. After a few days, (16) Ralph’s wife comes (17) to Hawaii.

Now (18) the whole (19) family is together. Everybody (20) is happy!

1         Hay
2         vive
3         trabaja
4         porque
5         quiere hablar
6         dice
7         le dan
8         volar
9         comprar un boleto
10     Pero no tiene bastante dinero
11     triste
12     también
13     Juntos suben en un pájaro grande
14     llegan
15     contento de ver
16     Después de unos días
17     viene
18     Ahora
19     entera
20     Todos

2. Talking About Your Family: Reading

George Harrison lives with his mother and sister in Topeka, Kansas. He is six years old. (1).

George’s grandparents live in Topeka, too. (2) They live on the same street. (3) George’s father works (4) for the US Army (5) and is in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Topeka is a big city. (6) It is the capital city of the state (7) of Kansas. In 2010 the population of Topeka was 127,473.

George has a problem. He misses (8) his father and wants to talk with him about learning to play the guitar (9).

George goes to his grandparent’s house. He tells them he wants to visit his father in Honolulu—it’s important.

His grandparents explain (10) that Hawaii is far away (11). It is 4664 miles from Topeka to Honolulu.

George tells them he wants to go (12) to Hawaii. His grandparents finally give him (13) $5.00 and tell him to fly (14) to Hawaii.

George goes to the Topeka airport. He asks to buy a ticket (15) to Honolulu and shows them (16) his $5.00. The airport people tell him that (17) he doesn’t have enough money (18) for the ticket.

George is sad (19). He talks with his sister. His sister’s name is Sally Harrison. She is five years old. She says she wants to go to Hawaii, too.

George and his sister see a big bird (20). The bird tells them he’s going to Hawaii and that they can go with him.

They get on (21) the bird’s back (22). The bird is very fast (23), and in two hours and twelve minutes they arrive (24) at George’s father’s house.

George is happy to see (25) his father and his father is happy to see his son and daughter.

George’s father gets (26) permission to bring (27) his family to Hawaii.

George’s mother, Nancy, comes (28) to Hawaii and now (29) the family is together (30). The family is happy to be together again! (31) George buys a guitar and is a famous Beatle!

1)       tiene 6 años
2)       también
3)       misma calle
4)       trabaja
5)       ejército
6)       ciudad
7)       estado
8)       le extraña
9)       de tocar la guitarra
10)    explican
11)    lejos
12)    quiere ir
13)    finalmente le dan
14)    volar
15)    pide comprar un boleto

16)    les muestra
17)    gente le dicen que
18)    bastante dinero
19)    triste
20)    ven pájaro grande
21)    suben; montan
22)    lomo
23)    rápido
24)    llegan
25)    contento de ver
26)    consigue
27)    traer
28)    viene
29)    ahora
30)    juntos
31)    otra vez

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