Wednesday, October 15, 2014

3. Asking for Help with English

This vocabulary was presented in class
a little
a lot
speak/talk (hablar)
say (decir)
ask (preguntar/pedir)

3. Asking for Help with English: Story
Janet lives with her parents in Rhode Island. Her mother’s father comes (1) to visit. He is from Germany (2).

Grandpa speaks German (3) and very little English. Janet doesn’t know any (4) German.

Janet smiles (5) a lot at her grandfather. He is very nice (6). She wants (7) to speak with him.

One day the family is looking (8) at a photo album. Grandfather is talking in German. Janet looks at the pictures and tries to guess (9) what her grandfather is saying.

Grandfather’s speaking (10) very fast and loud. Janet wants to ask him a question about a picture (11) of a girl.

Janet points (13) at the photo and says her mother’s first name.

Grandfather is surprised (14) when he sees Janet point at the picture and hears (15) the name.

He answers (16) his granddaughter in German, “Ja, ja...das ist meine Tochter wenn sie ein Mädchen war und wohnte bei uns auf Deutschland.”(17)

Janet doesn’t understand everything (18), but she understands that the girl in the photo is her mother. Janet is happy. (19)

When Opa speaks German slowly and pronounces his words clearly she can understand a little. Janet can ask her mother and father what words mean, too (19). She is learning (20) German!

1)       viene
2)       Alemania
3)       alemán
4)       no sabe nada del
5)       sonríe
6)       muy simpático
7)       quiere
8)       está mirando
9)       trata de adivinar
10)   está hablando
11)   retrato
12)   señala
13)   sorprendido
14)   sorprendido
15)   oye
16)   responde
17)   Sí, sí, ésta es mi hija cuando ella era una niña y vivía con nosotros en Alemania.
18)   no comprende todo
19)   contenta
20)   está aprendiendo

3. Asking for Help with English: Reading

Janet lives with her parents in Providence, Rhode Island. Providence is the capital of the state (1) of Rhode Island. Rhode Island is the smallest (2) state in the United States, but Providence is big. (3) It has a population of 1,600,856.

Janet’s mother and father are from Berlin, Germany (4). One day Janet’s grandfather comes (5) to visit. He speaks mostly (6) German and just a little English.

Janet doesn’t know any (7) German. She speaks to her grandfather in English, but he doesn’t understand Janet smiles a lot (8) at her grandfather. She wants to talk with him, but she doesn’t know how.

One day the family is looking at (9) an old photo album. Grandfather is saying a lot in German.

Janet looks at the pictures and tries to guess (10) what her grandfather is saying. She thinks (11) he is talking about her parents when they were small (12). He’s speaking very fast and loud.

Janet wants (13) to ask her grandfather a question about a picture with a girl. She thinks the girl is her mother. She uses her mother’s first name and points (14) at the photo.

Grandfather is surprised when he hears (15) the name and sees Janet point at the picture. He answers (16) his granddaughter, “Ja, ja...das ist meine Tochter wenn sie ein Mädchen war und wohnte bei uns auf Deutschland.”

Janet doesn’t understand everything (17) but she understands that the girl in the photo is her mother. Janet is happy.

Janet understands how to talk with her grandfather. She loves (18) her grandfather very much. When he speaks German slowly and pronounces his words clearly she can (19) understand a little.

Janet can ask her mother and father what words mean. She is learning (20) German! It’s fun to know more than one language!

1)       estado
2)       más pequeño
3)       grande
4)       Alemania
5)       viene
6)       principalmente
7)       no sabe nada del
8)       sonríe mucho
9)       está mirando
10)   mira los retratos y trata de adivinar
11)   piensa
12)   cuando eran pequeños
13)   quiere
14)   señala
15)   oye
16)   responde/contesta
17)   no entiende todo
18)   ama/quiere
19)   puede
20)   divertido saber más de un idioma

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