Friday, March 27, 2015

28. Visiting the Doctor

doctor (physician)
medical history
I am   was   being
I have   had   having
I hurt   hurt   hurting
I take   took   taking

 28. Visiting the Doctor: Story
Evelyn is a deer. (1) She lives in Denver, Colorado.

She’s sick today. Her stomach hurts (2) and she has a fever and a headache. She decides to go see her doctor.

Evelyn’s doctor is a raccoon. (3) He’s a general physician—not a specialist.

At the doctor’s, Evelyn first sees the nurse. He takes her blood pressure and temperature. (4)

The doctor asks Evelyn how she’s feeling. (5) She explains her pains to him.  She says that some days (6) are better than others.

The doctor gives her (7) a prescription for some medication.

He says her main (8) problem is that she’s pregnant (9) and will have twins (10) in about (11) three days.

1)       venado hembra/cierva
2)       le duele
3)       mapache
4)       Le toma su presión de sangre y su temperatura
5)       cómo se siente
6)       algunos días
7)       le da
8)       principal
9)       está encinta
10)   gemelos
11)   como / cerca de
28. Visiting the Doctor: Reading
Evelyn is a deer. (1) She lives in Denver, Colorado. Denver is the capital of the state of Colorado.

Denver is nicknamed (2) the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (3) or 5,280 feet (4) (1,609.3 m) above sea level. (5)

Evelyn is sick today. Her stomach hurts (6) and she has a fever and a headache.

It’s not getting any better so she decides to go see her doctor. She calls and makes an appointment. (7)

Evelyn’s doctor is a raccoon. (8) He’s a general physician—not a specialist.

Her doctor knows Evelyn’s medical history very well. Matter of fact, (9) he’s known her all her life. (10)

At the doctor’s, Evelyn first sees (11) the nurse. He takes her blood pressure and temperature. (12)

The nurse is very friendly. (13) Evelyn always enjoys chatting (14) with him.

The doctor asks Evelyn how she’s feeling. (15) She explains her pains to him.  She says that some days (16) are better than others.

The doctor feels her stomach and studies her test results. (17)

The doctor gives her (18) a prescription for some medication. He says her main (19) problem is that she’s pregnant (20) and will have twins (21) in about (22) three days.

Evelyn is very surprised and is anxious to share (23) the news (24) with her husband.(25) They need to make plans for their new babies!

1)       venado hembra/cierva
2)       apodo/apodado
3)       milla
4)       pies
5)       sobre el nivel del mar

6)       le duele el estomago
7)       hace una cita
8)       mapache
9)       De hecho
10)   la ha conocido toda su vida
11)   primero ve
12)   Le toma su presión sanguínea y su temperatura
13)   amigable
14)   siempre le encanta charlar/platicar
15)   cómo se siente
16)   algunos días
17)   los resultados de sus pruebas
18)   le da
19)   principal
20)   está encinta
21)   gemelos/cuates
22)   como
23)   ansiosa para compartir
24)   las nuevas
25)   esposo/marido

27. Interviewing for a Job

hard worker
fast worker
pounds (Kg.)
right away
lift   lifted   lifting
start   started   starting
prefer   preferred   preferring
work   worked   working

27. Interviewing for a Job: Story
Nancy is a fish. (1) She lives in Lake Superior—one of the Great Lakes on the border between (2) Canada and the United States.

Nancy needs a job. She likes answering (3) the phone and using a computer.

Nancy finds (4) a job possibility at a local hospital through LDS Job Services.* Nancy calls (5) and asks for an interview.

Her interview is at 3:30 pm with the hospital supervisor, Mr. Kilpatrick.  Always (6) punctual, Nancy arrives (7) ten minutes early.(8)

Mr. Kilpatrick starts by asking her questions (9) about her family and how she likes Lake Superior.

Mr. K. then asks Nancy if she has any experience as a receptionist. She explains that she hasn’t, but she has a pleasant smile, (10) and is a hard worker.

Mr. K. is worried (11) about her lifting heavy boxes of papers and files (12) Nancy says she can lift up to fifty pounds without (13) a problem.

Mr. K. asks Nancy if she can work some Saturdays (14). Nancy says she can and that she has transportation.

He asks her when a good start-date is. Nancy says she can start working right away.

Mr. K. is pleased. (15) He asks if she has any questions. (16) She has one: How much will she be earning? (17)

Mr. K. explains that at the beginning (18) her salary will be just (19) $200 per hour.

1)       pez
2)       frontera entre
3)       contestar
4)       encuentra
5)       llama
6)       Siempre
7)       llega
8)       temprano
9)       preguntas
10)   sonrisa agradable
11)   preocupado
12)   cajas pesadas de papeles y archivos
13)   hasta 50 libras sin
14)   algunos sábados
15)   satisfecho
16)   preguntas
17)   estará ganando
18)   al comienzo
19)   salario será sólo

*LDS Job Service: Nampa, Idaho, 1500 Smith Avenue, 318-0313. Open Wednesday 10am – 7pm.
 Boise, 10740 Fairview Suite 209, 375-9171. Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm.
27. Interviewing for a Job: Reading
Nancy is a fish. (1) She lives in Lake Superior—one of the Great Lakes on the border between (2) Canada and the United States.

The names of the Great Lakes are: Lake Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario. They’re the largest group of freshwater lakes on earth. (3)  

Nancy needs to find a job. She prefers work as a receptionist. She knows how to answer (4) the phone and use a computer. She thinks it will be fun. (5)

She finds a job possibility at LDS Job Services.* It’s for a receptionist at a local hospital. Nancy is nervous, but she calls (6) and asks for an interview.

Her interview is at 3:30 pm with the hospital supervisor, Mr. Kilpatrick. She likes the idea of working in a hospital. Always (7) punctual, Nancy arrives (8) ten minutes early.(9)

Mr. Kilpatrick makes Nancy comfortable (10) and asks questions (11) about her family and how she likes Lake Superior. Nancy likes Mr. Kilpatrick. She thinks he’s very nice. (12)

Mr. K. asks Nancy if she has had (13) experience as a receptionist. She explains that she hasn’t, but she has a pleasant smile, (14) is a hard worker, and served as a volunteer (15) at a summer camp. So (16) she’s had experience talking with people.

Mr. K. is worried (17) about her lifting heavy boxes of papers and files. (18) Although (19) much is on the computer, there is still plenty (20) of manual labor as a receptionist.  Nancy explains she has been working out (21) and can lift up to fifty pounds.

Mr. K. asks Nancy if she can work evenings and some Saturdays. Nancy says that’s not a problem. She also explains that she just bought (22) a new car so transportation is not a problem either. (23)

He asks her when she can start. Nancy says she can start working right away. Currently (24) she is not working. Actually, (25) she’s never had (26) a job before. (27)

Mr. K. is pleased. He asks if she has any questions. She only (28) has one: she wants to know about her salary. She asks how much she will be earning? (29)

Mr. K. explains that at the beginning (30) she will be on trial. (31) Her salary will be just (32) $200 per hour. If things work out, (33) after two weeks, she’ll get a raise (34) to $350.39 per hour.

1)       pez
2)       frontera entre
3)       grupo más grande de lagos de agua fresca del la tierra
4)       contestar
5)       divertido
6)       llama
7)       Siempre
8)       llega
9)       temprano
10)   hace cómoda
11)   preguntas
12)   simpático
13)   ha tenido
14)   sonrisa placentera
15)   sirvió como voluntaria
16)   Así que
17)   preocupado
18)   levantar cajas pesadas de papeles y archivos
19)   Aunque
20)   bastante
21)   ha estado haciendo ejercicios
22)   acaba de comprar
23)   tampoco
24)   Actualmente
25)   En verdad
26)   nunca ha tenido
27)   antes
28)   solo
29)   estará ganando
30)   al comienzo
31)   tiempo de juicio
32)   salario será sólo
33)   Si todo sale bien
34)   aumento

*LDS Job Service: Nampa, Idaho, 1500 Smith Avenue, 318-0313. Open Wednesday 10am – 7pm.
 Boise, 10740 Fairview Suite 209, 375-9171. Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

26.Looking for a Job

job opening
day shift
evening shift
night shift
hire  hired  hiring
apply applied  applying
work  worked  working
speak  spoke  speaking

 26. Looking for a Job: Story
Raymond is a bear. (1) He lives in Helena, Montana. He was a cowboy, (2) but that was only a part-time job.

Now Ray’s looking for full-time work. He has a new (3) computer. Ray would like to work as a secretary. LDS Jobs* gives him a number.

Ray asks for an interview at the Helena Housing Authority. Mr. Andy Rodriguez, the manager, tells (4) Ray about a job opening.

Andy asks Ray to submit (5) a resume and to fill out (6) an application.

During (7) the interview, Andy asks Ray if he’s willing (8) to work the evening shift. Ray says he is, but would prefer (9) to work the day shift. He’s happy to learn (10) there is no night shift at the HHA.

Andy explains (11) that the position is part-time to start (12) but will probably become (13) a full-time position. He also explains the benefit package (14) to Ray.

At the end (15) of the interview, Andy shakes hands with (16) Ray and offers him (17) a job on the evening shift. Ray is very happy to get (18) the job.

There’s only one thing that worries (19) him—he thinks (20) he will miss his life as (21) a cowboy and asks (22) if there is somewhere he can keep his horse (23) when he rides it (24) to work.

1)       oso
2)       vaquero
3)       nueva
4)       le dice
5)       entregar
6)       llenar
7)       Durante
8)       dispuesto
9)       preferiría
10)   aprender
11)   explica
12)   para comenzar
13)   llegue a ser
14)   paquete de beneficios
15)   Al terminar
16)   estrechan la mano
17)   le ofrece
18)   conseguir/obtener
19)   que le preocupa
20)   cree/piensa
21)   echará de menos su vida como
22)   pregunta
23)   algún lugar donde puede guardar su caballo
24)   lo monta

  *LDS Job Service: Nampa, Idaho, 1500 Smith Avenue, 318-0313. Open Wednesday 10am – 7pm.
 Boise, 10740 Fairview Suite 209, 375-9171. Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm.

26. Looking for a Job: Reading
Raymond is a bear. (1) He lives in Helena, Montana. He is a cowboy. (2)

Raymond (Ray for short) loves to ride his horse. (3) His horse’s name is Palomino. For Ray, the only problem with being a cowboy is that it’s a part-time job.

Ray decides he needs full-time work. Ray just bought a new (4) computer. Ray thinks he’d like (5) to work as a secretary.

Ray is bilingual. He speaks both (6) Bear and English and is good with a computer. LDS Jobs* gives him a phone number.

Ray asks for an interview at the Helena Housing Authority. Mr. Andy Rodriguez, the manager of HHA, tells (7) Ray that there is (8) a job opening.

Andy asks Ray to submit (9) a resume and to fill out (10) an application. The application isn’t hard (11) to fill out. Ray finishes it in just (12) ten minutes.

During (13) the interview, Andy asks Ray if he’s willing (14) to work the evening shift. Ray says he is, but would prefer (15) to work the day shift.

Ray’s relieved to learn (16) there is no night shift. There is a lot of computer work to do at HHA.

Andy explains (17) that the position is part-time to start (18) but will probably become (19) a full-time position.

Andy also explains the benefit package (20) to Ray. He will get full health insurance (21) and four weeks (22) paid vacation every year.

At the end (23) of the interview, Andy and Ray shake hands. (24) Ray offers him (25) a job on the evening shift. Ray is happy to get (26) the job even if it means (27) he has to work evenings.

There’s only one thing that worries (28) Ray—he thinks he will miss his life as (29) a cowboy and asks (30) if there is somewhere he can keep (31) his horse when he rides it to work.

Andy assures (32) Ray he can keep it in the back (33) on the grass—nobody will mind. (34)

1)       oso
2)       vaquero
3)       le encanta montar a su caballo
4)       acaba de comprar una nueva
5)       piensa/cree que le gustaría
6)       ambos/los dos
7)       le dice
8)       hay
9)       entregar
10)    llenar
11)    no es difícil
12)    la termina en sólo
13)    Durante
14)    dispuesto
15)    preferiría
16)    aliviado a aprender
17)    explica
18)    para comenzar
19)    llegue a ser
20)    paquete de beneficios
21)    recibirá un seguro de salud completo
22)    semanas
23)    Al terminar
24)    estrechan la mano
25)    le ofrece
26)    conseguir/obtener
27)    aún si significa
28)    que le preocupa
29)    echará de menos su vida como
30)    pregunta
31)    algún lugar donde puede guardar
32)    le asegura
33)    en la parte posterior
34)    en el pasto/la césped--a nadie le importará

 *LDS Job Service: Nampa, Idaho, 1500 Smith Avenue, 318-0313. Open Wednesday 10am – 7pm.

 Boise, 10740 Fairview Suite 209, 375-9171. Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm.