Saturday, March 21, 2015

26.Looking for a Job

job opening
day shift
evening shift
night shift
hire  hired  hiring
apply applied  applying
work  worked  working
speak  spoke  speaking

 26. Looking for a Job: Story
Raymond is a bear. (1) He lives in Helena, Montana. He was a cowboy, (2) but that was only a part-time job.

Now Ray’s looking for full-time work. He has a new (3) computer. Ray would like to work as a secretary. LDS Jobs* gives him a number.

Ray asks for an interview at the Helena Housing Authority. Mr. Andy Rodriguez, the manager, tells (4) Ray about a job opening.

Andy asks Ray to submit (5) a resume and to fill out (6) an application.

During (7) the interview, Andy asks Ray if he’s willing (8) to work the evening shift. Ray says he is, but would prefer (9) to work the day shift. He’s happy to learn (10) there is no night shift at the HHA.

Andy explains (11) that the position is part-time to start (12) but will probably become (13) a full-time position. He also explains the benefit package (14) to Ray.

At the end (15) of the interview, Andy shakes hands with (16) Ray and offers him (17) a job on the evening shift. Ray is very happy to get (18) the job.

There’s only one thing that worries (19) him—he thinks (20) he will miss his life as (21) a cowboy and asks (22) if there is somewhere he can keep his horse (23) when he rides it (24) to work.

1)       oso
2)       vaquero
3)       nueva
4)       le dice
5)       entregar
6)       llenar
7)       Durante
8)       dispuesto
9)       preferiría
10)   aprender
11)   explica
12)   para comenzar
13)   llegue a ser
14)   paquete de beneficios
15)   Al terminar
16)   estrechan la mano
17)   le ofrece
18)   conseguir/obtener
19)   que le preocupa
20)   cree/piensa
21)   echará de menos su vida como
22)   pregunta
23)   algún lugar donde puede guardar su caballo
24)   lo monta

  *LDS Job Service: Nampa, Idaho, 1500 Smith Avenue, 318-0313. Open Wednesday 10am – 7pm.
 Boise, 10740 Fairview Suite 209, 375-9171. Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm.

26. Looking for a Job: Reading
Raymond is a bear. (1) He lives in Helena, Montana. He is a cowboy. (2)

Raymond (Ray for short) loves to ride his horse. (3) His horse’s name is Palomino. For Ray, the only problem with being a cowboy is that it’s a part-time job.

Ray decides he needs full-time work. Ray just bought a new (4) computer. Ray thinks he’d like (5) to work as a secretary.

Ray is bilingual. He speaks both (6) Bear and English and is good with a computer. LDS Jobs* gives him a phone number.

Ray asks for an interview at the Helena Housing Authority. Mr. Andy Rodriguez, the manager of HHA, tells (7) Ray that there is (8) a job opening.

Andy asks Ray to submit (9) a resume and to fill out (10) an application. The application isn’t hard (11) to fill out. Ray finishes it in just (12) ten minutes.

During (13) the interview, Andy asks Ray if he’s willing (14) to work the evening shift. Ray says he is, but would prefer (15) to work the day shift.

Ray’s relieved to learn (16) there is no night shift. There is a lot of computer work to do at HHA.

Andy explains (17) that the position is part-time to start (18) but will probably become (19) a full-time position.

Andy also explains the benefit package (20) to Ray. He will get full health insurance (21) and four weeks (22) paid vacation every year.

At the end (23) of the interview, Andy and Ray shake hands. (24) Ray offers him (25) a job on the evening shift. Ray is happy to get (26) the job even if it means (27) he has to work evenings.

There’s only one thing that worries (28) Ray—he thinks he will miss his life as (29) a cowboy and asks (30) if there is somewhere he can keep (31) his horse when he rides it to work.

Andy assures (32) Ray he can keep it in the back (33) on the grass—nobody will mind. (34)

1)       oso
2)       vaquero
3)       le encanta montar a su caballo
4)       acaba de comprar una nueva
5)       piensa/cree que le gustaría
6)       ambos/los dos
7)       le dice
8)       hay
9)       entregar
10)    llenar
11)    no es difícil
12)    la termina en sólo
13)    Durante
14)    dispuesto
15)    preferiría
16)    aliviado a aprender
17)    explica
18)    para comenzar
19)    llegue a ser
20)    paquete de beneficios
21)    recibirá un seguro de salud completo
22)    semanas
23)    Al terminar
24)    estrechan la mano
25)    le ofrece
26)    conseguir/obtener
27)    aún si significa
28)    que le preocupa
29)    echará de menos su vida como
30)    pregunta
31)    algún lugar donde puede guardar
32)    le asegura
33)    en la parte posterior
34)    en el pasto/la césped--a nadie le importará

 *LDS Job Service: Nampa, Idaho, 1500 Smith Avenue, 318-0313. Open Wednesday 10am – 7pm.

 Boise, 10740 Fairview Suite 209, 375-9171. Open Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm. 

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