Friday, March 27, 2015

28. Visiting the Doctor

doctor (physician)
medical history
I am   was   being
I have   had   having
I hurt   hurt   hurting
I take   took   taking

 28. Visiting the Doctor: Story
Evelyn is a deer. (1) She lives in Denver, Colorado.

She’s sick today. Her stomach hurts (2) and she has a fever and a headache. She decides to go see her doctor.

Evelyn’s doctor is a raccoon. (3) He’s a general physician—not a specialist.

At the doctor’s, Evelyn first sees the nurse. He takes her blood pressure and temperature. (4)

The doctor asks Evelyn how she’s feeling. (5) She explains her pains to him.  She says that some days (6) are better than others.

The doctor gives her (7) a prescription for some medication.

He says her main (8) problem is that she’s pregnant (9) and will have twins (10) in about (11) three days.

1)       venado hembra/cierva
2)       le duele
3)       mapache
4)       Le toma su presión de sangre y su temperatura
5)       cómo se siente
6)       algunos días
7)       le da
8)       principal
9)       está encinta
10)   gemelos
11)   como / cerca de
28. Visiting the Doctor: Reading
Evelyn is a deer. (1) She lives in Denver, Colorado. Denver is the capital of the state of Colorado.

Denver is nicknamed (2) the Mile-High City because its official elevation is exactly one mile (3) or 5,280 feet (4) (1,609.3 m) above sea level. (5)

Evelyn is sick today. Her stomach hurts (6) and she has a fever and a headache.

It’s not getting any better so she decides to go see her doctor. She calls and makes an appointment. (7)

Evelyn’s doctor is a raccoon. (8) He’s a general physician—not a specialist.

Her doctor knows Evelyn’s medical history very well. Matter of fact, (9) he’s known her all her life. (10)

At the doctor’s, Evelyn first sees (11) the nurse. He takes her blood pressure and temperature. (12)

The nurse is very friendly. (13) Evelyn always enjoys chatting (14) with him.

The doctor asks Evelyn how she’s feeling. (15) She explains her pains to him.  She says that some days (16) are better than others.

The doctor feels her stomach and studies her test results. (17)

The doctor gives her (18) a prescription for some medication. He says her main (19) problem is that she’s pregnant (20) and will have twins (21) in about (22) three days.

Evelyn is very surprised and is anxious to share (23) the news (24) with her husband.(25) They need to make plans for their new babies!

1)       venado hembra/cierva
2)       apodo/apodado
3)       milla
4)       pies
5)       sobre el nivel del mar

6)       le duele el estomago
7)       hace una cita
8)       mapache
9)       De hecho
10)   la ha conocido toda su vida
11)   primero ve
12)   Le toma su presión sanguínea y su temperatura
13)   amigable
14)   siempre le encanta charlar/platicar
15)   cómo se siente
16)   algunos días
17)   los resultados de sus pruebas
18)   le da
19)   principal
20)   está encinta
21)   gemelos/cuates
22)   como
23)   ansiosa para compartir
24)   las nuevas
25)   esposo/marido

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