Thursday, February 26, 2015

25. Setting an Appointment

last week
this week
next week
arrive  arrived  arriving
come  came  coming
make  made  making
need  needed  needing

 25. Setting an Appointment: Story
 Russ is not feeling well.(1)  He calls (2) his doctor and makes an appointment.

The receptionist answers (3) the phone. She’s an ostrich. (4) Her name is Lorena. 

Lorena: “Good morning. How are you today? “
Russ: “Frankly, I’m not feeling (5) very good.

Whenever I touch myself, it hurts (6).  I need to make an appointment. Can the doctor see me today?”

Lorena: “Yes, he can. Can you come this afternoon? 
Russ: “Yes. That will be fine.”

Lorena: “Is 2:00 okay?”
Russ: “Yes, thank you. See you then.”

Russell arrives early for his appointment with Doctor Jones. He chats (7) with Lorena. The doctor is late.

Finally the nurse (8) calls Russ’ name and takes him (9) to the examination room. (10)

Dr. Jones: “What seems to be (11) the problem, Russ?”
Russ: “Well, wherever (12) I touch it hurts. “

Dr. Jones: “What do you mean?" (13) 
Russ:  "When I touch my shoulder, (14) it really hurts. If I touch my knee (15) -- OUCH! (16) When I touch my forehead, (17) it really, really hurts." 

Doctor Jones:  "I know what's wrong with you -- you've broken your finger!"

1)       no se siente bien
2)      llama
3)      contesta
4)      avestruz
5)      no me siento
6)      Cuando me toque me duele
7)      platica
8)      enfermera
9)      lo lleva
10)   sala
11)    parece ser
12)   dondequiera
13)   quieres decir
14)   hombro
15)   rodilla
16)   ¡ay!
17)   la frente
18)   tienes mal te has roto el dedo

25. Setting an Appointment: Reading
Russ is not feeling well. (1) He calls (2) his doctor and makes an appointment.

The receptionist answers (3) the phone. She’s an ostrich. (4) Her name is Lorena.  She recognizes (5) Russ. He came to see (6) the doctor last week.

Lorena: “Good afternoon. How are you today? “
Russ: “Frankly, I’m not feeling very well. I need to make an appointment to see the doctor. Can he meet with me (7) tomorrow?”

Lorena: “Yes. Can you come tomorrow morning?
Russ: “Sure. That will be fine.” (8)

Lorena: “Is 10:00 okay?”
Russ: “Yes, thank you. See you then.”

Russell arrives early for his appointment with Doctor Jones. He talks with Lorena while he waits. (9)

Finally they call his name and take him (10) to the examination room. (11) After a few more minutes Dr. Jones comes in. (12)

Dr. Jones: "I have some bad news (13) and some very bad news."
Russ: "Well, give me (14) the bad news first." (15)

Dr. Jones: "The lab (16) has your test (17) results. You have just (18) twenty-four hours to live."
Russ:  "Twenty-four hours! That’s terrible! What could be worse? (19) What's the very bad news?"

Doctor Jones:  "I've been trying to reach you since (20) yesterday."
Dr. Jones: “You are very sick.” (21)
Russ: “Can I get (22) a second opinion?”
Dr. Jones: “Yes, you are very ugly too...” (23)

1)       no se siente
2)      llama
3)      responde/contesta
4)      avestruz
5)      reconoce a
6)      vino a ver
7)      juntarse conmigo
8)      estará bien
9)      mientras espera
10)   lo lleva
11)    sala
12)   entra
13)   malas noticias
14)   dame
15)   primero
16)   laboratorio
17)   prueba
18)   tienes solo
19)   podría ser peor
20)  He estado tratando de alcanzarte desde
21)   enfermo
22)   Puedo tener
23)   feo también

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