Wednesday, October 22, 2014

7. Talking about Health

sore throat
I feel / I felt
I have/he has/I had
I hurt / I hurt
I need/ I needed

7. Talking about your Health: Story

Andy is a seal (1). Generally he likes to play (2) with his ball (3), but today he’s not feeling well.

Andy has a headache and a sore throat. He also has a pain in his back and he feels dizzy.

Andy tells his mother he feels sick and he doesn’t want to go to school. (4) Andy’s mother takes him (5) to see the doctor.

The doctor examines Andy. He asks him where he hurts. He takes Andy’s temperature. Andy has a fever. Andy’s nose and throat are swollen. (6)

The doctor tells Andy’s mother that Andy needs to stay in bed (8) and not go to school until (9) he feels better. (10)

Andy should drink plenty (11) of liquids. The nurse gives (12) Andy a shot (13) for his headache and sore throat.

Andy does what (14) the doctor says. In a few (15) days, he feels better and is able to join (16) all the other little seals in school and on the playground. (17) He’s a happy seal again! (18)

1)       foca
2)       le gusta jugar
3)       su bola
4)       escuela
5)       lo lleva
6)       hinchadas
7)       Después
8)       quedarse en la cama
9)       hasta
10)   mejor
11)   debe beber bastantes
12)   enfermera le da
13)   inyección
14)   hace lo que
15)   unos pocos
16)   puede juntarse con
17)   patio de recreo
18)   otra vez

 7. Talking about your Health: Reading

Andy is a seal. He goes to school at Reagan Elementary in Madison, Wisconsin. Madison is the capital of the state of Wisconsin. Andy likes his school.

Andy is seven years old. His favorite thing (1) is to play ball with his friends. Today while he’s playing, (2) he feels his back and shoulder hurting. (3)

Next (4) his head and throat start (5) to hurt. Soon (6) he feels dizzy and doesn’t want to play any more. (7) His nose starts to run. Andy is sick!

Andy leaves the ball game (8) and goes home. (9) He tells his mother he feels sick and he doesn’t want to go back (10) to school.

Andy’s mother is very concerned (11). She takes him to see (12) the doctor.

The doctor examines Andy. He asks him where it hurts. He takes Andy’s pulse, listens to his chest, and takes his temperature.

Andy’s nose and throat are swollen (13). Andy has a fever and may have strep throat (14).

The doctor tells Andy’s mother that Andy needs to stay in bed. (15) He should drink plenty of (16) liquids. The nurse gives (17) Andy an injection for his headache and sore throat.

The shot helps him (18) a lot. In just a few hours he starts to feel better. Within (20) a day or two, he is able to join (21) all the other little seals at school and on the playground.

Andy is happy that he’s not sick any more and that he can play with his friends!

CHALLENGE: A doctor visits a patient in a hospital room. “I’m sorry,” says the doctor, “but I have good news and bad news.” “Tell me everything,” says the man. “Tell me the bad news first.” The doctor replies, “Your accident was worse than we thought. We had to amputate both your legs.” The man asks, “So what is the good news?” The doctor replies, “The man in the bed next to you wants to buy your slippers.”

1)       cosa
2)       Hoy mientras juega
3)       duelen/doliendo
4)       Lo próximo
5)       duelen
6)       comienzan
7)       Pronto
8)       no quiere jugar más
9)       deja el partido
10)   va a casa
11)   volver
12)   preocupada
13)   lo llevar a ver
14)   hinchadas
15)   posiblemente tenga faringitis estreptocócica
16)   quedarse en cama
17)   debe beber bastante
18)   enfermera le da
19)   le ayuda
20)   Dentro
21)   está capaz/puede
22)   juntarse

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