Thursday, February 26, 2015

25. Setting an Appointment

last week
this week
next week
arrive  arrived  arriving
come  came  coming
make  made  making
need  needed  needing

 25. Setting an Appointment: Story
 Russ is not feeling well.(1)  He calls (2) his doctor and makes an appointment.

The receptionist answers (3) the phone. She’s an ostrich. (4) Her name is Lorena. 

Lorena: “Good morning. How are you today? “
Russ: “Frankly, I’m not feeling (5) very good.

Whenever I touch myself, it hurts (6).  I need to make an appointment. Can the doctor see me today?”

Lorena: “Yes, he can. Can you come this afternoon? 
Russ: “Yes. That will be fine.”

Lorena: “Is 2:00 okay?”
Russ: “Yes, thank you. See you then.”

Russell arrives early for his appointment with Doctor Jones. He chats (7) with Lorena. The doctor is late.

Finally the nurse (8) calls Russ’ name and takes him (9) to the examination room. (10)

Dr. Jones: “What seems to be (11) the problem, Russ?”
Russ: “Well, wherever (12) I touch it hurts. “

Dr. Jones: “What do you mean?" (13) 
Russ:  "When I touch my shoulder, (14) it really hurts. If I touch my knee (15) -- OUCH! (16) When I touch my forehead, (17) it really, really hurts." 

Doctor Jones:  "I know what's wrong with you -- you've broken your finger!"

1)       no se siente bien
2)      llama
3)      contesta
4)      avestruz
5)      no me siento
6)      Cuando me toque me duele
7)      platica
8)      enfermera
9)      lo lleva
10)   sala
11)    parece ser
12)   dondequiera
13)   quieres decir
14)   hombro
15)   rodilla
16)   ¡ay!
17)   la frente
18)   tienes mal te has roto el dedo

25. Setting an Appointment: Reading
Russ is not feeling well. (1) He calls (2) his doctor and makes an appointment.

The receptionist answers (3) the phone. She’s an ostrich. (4) Her name is Lorena.  She recognizes (5) Russ. He came to see (6) the doctor last week.

Lorena: “Good afternoon. How are you today? “
Russ: “Frankly, I’m not feeling very well. I need to make an appointment to see the doctor. Can he meet with me (7) tomorrow?”

Lorena: “Yes. Can you come tomorrow morning?
Russ: “Sure. That will be fine.” (8)

Lorena: “Is 10:00 okay?”
Russ: “Yes, thank you. See you then.”

Russell arrives early for his appointment with Doctor Jones. He talks with Lorena while he waits. (9)

Finally they call his name and take him (10) to the examination room. (11) After a few more minutes Dr. Jones comes in. (12)

Dr. Jones: "I have some bad news (13) and some very bad news."
Russ: "Well, give me (14) the bad news first." (15)

Dr. Jones: "The lab (16) has your test (17) results. You have just (18) twenty-four hours to live."
Russ:  "Twenty-four hours! That’s terrible! What could be worse? (19) What's the very bad news?"

Doctor Jones:  "I've been trying to reach you since (20) yesterday."
Dr. Jones: “You are very sick.” (21)
Russ: “Can I get (22) a second opinion?”
Dr. Jones: “Yes, you are very ugly too...” (23)

1)       no se siente
2)      llama
3)      responde/contesta
4)      avestruz
5)      reconoce a
6)      vino a ver
7)      juntarse conmigo
8)      estará bien
9)      mientras espera
10)   lo lleva
11)    sala
12)   entra
13)   malas noticias
14)   dame
15)   primero
16)   laboratorio
17)   prueba
18)   tienes solo
19)   podría ser peor
20)  He estado tratando de alcanzarte desde
21)   enfermo
22)   Puedo tener
23)   feo también

Friday, February 20, 2015

24. Healthful Living

balanced diet
thank  thanked  thanking
eat  ate  eating
drink  drank drinking
exercise  exercised  exercising

 24. Healthy Living: Story
Bruce is a honeybee. (1)  He’s been sick. (2) He’s not able to keep up with (3) the other bees where he lives in North Dakota.

Bruce’s doctor tells him (4) he needs to eat a balanced diet, take vitamins and exercise. He also (5) tells him to stop using tobacco, drinking alcohol, and coffee.

Bruce thanks his doctor, who is a beetle, (6) and promises (7) to stop living an unhealthy life style.

He also promises to drink lots of water, eat a healthy diet, and exercise.

Bruce goes to the gym, (8) He works out (9) but thinks it’s boring. (10)

A friend suggests he should take up (11) a sport and recommends skiing. (12)

Bruce discovers he has a natural talent for skiing. He skies so fast he gains a spot (13) on the US Olympic Ski Team. (14)

Bruce goes to the Winter Olympics and wins a gold medal. (15) He’s the fastest (16) skiing bee in the world! (17)

1)       abeja de miel
2)       Ha estado enfermo
3)       no puede mantenerse con
4)       le dice
5)       también
6)       escarabajo
7)       promete
8)       gimnasio
9)       hace ejercicios
10)   aburridos
11)   sugiere que él debe practicar
12)   el esquiar
13)   gana/logra un puesto/sitio
14)   equipo
15)   gana una medalla de oro
16)   la más rápida
17)   del mundo

24. Healthy Living: Reading
 Bruce is a honeybee.(1)  He’s been sick, (2) Bruce feels a bit better now. (3)

But he’s still not able to keep up with (4) the other bees where he lives in southern North Dakota.

North Dakota produces more honey than any other state in the United States. 

Bruce’s doctor tells him (5) he needs to eat a balanced diet, take vitamins and exercise. He also tells him to stop (6) using tobacco, drinking alcohol, and coffee.

Bruce needs to regain (7) his health. Coffee is particularly bad for Bruce. It is addictive and it stimulates acid production.

Bruce thanks (8) his doctor, who is a beetle, and promises to stop (9) living an unhealthy life style.

He also promises to drink lots of (10) water, eat a healthy diet, and exercise. Drinking water is important for maintaining good health.

Bruce goes to the gym and works out. (11) He does his exercises, but thinks they are boring. (12)

A friend suggests he should take up (13) a sport and recommends skiing. (14)

Bruce discovers (15) he has a natural talent for skiing. He skies so fast he gains a spot (16) on the United States’ Olympic Ski Team. (17)

Bruce goes to the Winter Olympics and wins a gold medal. (18) He’s the fastest (19) skiing bee in the world! (20)

He hopes to return (21) to the Olympics in another (22) four years and do it again! (23)

1)       abeja de miel
2)       Ha estado enfermo
3)       se siente un poco mejor ahora
4)       Pero todavía no puede mantenerse
5)       le dice
6)       dejar de
7)       recuperar
8)       le agradece
9)       escarabajo y promete de dejar

10)   mucha
11)   gimnasio y hace ejercicios
12)   aburridos
13)   sugiere que él deba practicar
14)   el esquiar
15)   descubre
16)   gana/logra un puesto/sitio
17)   equipo
18)   gana una medalla de oro
19)   la más rápida
20)   del mundo
21)   espera volver
22)   otros

23)   hacerlo otra vez

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

23.Talking to your Boss

(on time)
time clock
take/ takes  took taking
go/goes went  going
arrive/arrives  arrived  arriving
clock in/out   clocked   clocking

23. Talking to your Boss: Story

Ernest is a rhinoceros. He has a job in a car factory (1) in Detroit, Michigan.

Ernest goes to work at 8:00 am. He’s always punctual—sometimes he’s even (2) early. His schedule is from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm with half an hour for lunch.

When Ernest arrives at work, he clocks in. When he leaves at 4:30 he clocks out.

If the boss asks him to work overtime, Ernest is happy because he likes (3) the extra money.

Ernest never seems to have enough money.(4) He has lots of bills.(5) His paycheck doesn’t go far enough. (6) He decides to ask (7) his boss for a raise.

His boss’ name is Annette. She’s a hard worker and demands (8) a lot from her workers, too. (9) Ernest schedules a time to talk with her.

They will meet (10) during their next break. Ernest is very nervous about talking (11) with her about his work.

When they start talking, Annette tells him (12) that she appreciates (13) his work and his punctuality.

Annette says she has noticed (14) that he does his job efficiently. (15) She tells Ernest she has decided (16) to give him a raise.

He’s going to get $505.42 an hour and he will get an all expense paid vacation. (17) Ernest is thrilled! (18)

1)       fábrica
2)       aun a veces
3)       porque le gusta
4)       nunca parece que tiene dinero suficiente
5)       cuentas
6)       no alcanza
7)       pedirle
8)       buena trabajadora y exige
9)       también
10)   Se juntarán
11)   de hablar
12)   empiezan a hablar, Annette le dice
13)   aprecia
14)   dice que ha notado
15)   eficientemente
16)   ha decidido
17)   recibirá un viaje con todos los gastos pagados
18)   muy emocionado

23. Talking to your Boss: Reading

Ernest is a rhinoceros. He has a job in a car factory (1) in Detroit, Michigan. Detroit is sometimes called (2) "Motor City.”.

Ernest goes to work at 8:00 am. He’s always punctual—sometimes he’s even (3) ten minutes early.

His schedule is from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm with half an hour for lunch. He likes eating lunch with his friends at the factory.

When Ernest arrives at work, he clocks in. When he leaves at 4:30 he goes to the time clock and clocks out.

If the boss asks him to work overtime, he’s happy because he likes (4) the extra money. He receives more money for overtime.(5)

Ernest never seems to have enough money. (6) He has lots of bills.(7) His paycheck doesn’t go far enough (8).

Ernest just bought (9) a car and is making house payments. (10) He decides to ask (11) his boss for a raise.

Ernest’s boss’ name is Annette. She’s a hard worker (12) and demands (13) a lot from her workers, too. (14)

Ernest schedules (15) a time to talk with her. They will meet (16) during their next break. He’s very nervous about talking with her (17) about his work.

When they start talking, (18) Annette asks him if she can call him Ernie. She tells him that she appreciates (19) his work and that he is always punctual.

Annette says she has noticed (20) that he does his job efficiently. (21) Annette tells Ernest she has decided (22) to give him a raise.

He’s going to get $505.42 an hour a vacation—an all expense paid trip (23) to Vail, Colorado.

Ernest is thrilled! (24) He really likes his job at the factory.
1)       fábrica
2)       a veces llamado
3)       aun
4)       porque le gusta
5)       por horas adicionales
6)       nunca parece tener dinero suficiente

7)       cuentas
8)       no alcanza
9)       acaba de comprar
10)   pagos
11)   pedir
12)   buena trabajadora
13)   exige
14)   también
15)   fija
16)   Se juntarán
17)   de hablarle
18)   empiezan a hablar
19)   le dice que aprecia
20)   ha notado
21)   eficientemente
22)   ha decidido
23)   viaje con todos los gastos pagados
24)   muy emocionado

Monday, February 9, 2015

22.Talking about School

Foreign Language

Physical Education
report card
grade point average/GPA
study  studied   studying
earn  earned   earning
attend attended  attending
go to   went to   going to
plan   planned   planning

22. Talking About School: Story
Brian is a student at Sousa Middle School in Washington, D.C. He attends the seventh grade. He plans on (1) going to Theodore Roosevelt High School.

Brian likes (2) school. His favorite subject is Geography. He knows all the names (3) of all fifty states and their capitals.

For math this year (4) he’s taking (5) Algebra. Brian studies hard (6) and does his homework. Algebra is not his favorite class.

Brian hopes (7) to study French in high school. His older sister went (8) to France and Brian wants to do that too (9).

Brian also does well in history. This year he and his class are studying the Revolutionary War and how the thirteen colonies became (10) the United States of America.

Brian earns good grades in English and likes to read (11). He has read several (12) novels. His favorite novel is Huckleberry Finn.

Science is okay, but Brian isn’t especially good at it. They are studying about the weather (13).

Brian has a physical education class. The students get to play different games (14): soccer, tag football, baseball, etc. It’s fun! (15)

Brian earns good grades and always has a good report card. He has a 3.7 GPA. He’s shocked when he receives an “F” in History. He decides to talk with his teacher (16).

1)       piensa
2)       le gusta
3)       nombres
4)       este año
5)       tomando
6)       duro
7)       espera
8)       hermana mayor fue
9)       quiere hacer esto también
10)   llegaron a ser
11)   leer
12)   ha leído varias
13)   tiempo
14)   juegos
15)   divertido
16)   hablar con su maestro

22. Talking About School: Reading
Brian is twelve years old. He is a student at Sousa Middle School in Washington, D.C. Many tourists visit Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States.

During the week, Brian attends the seventh grade. He plans on (1) going to Theodore Roosevelt High School, when he gets to the ninth grade.

Brian likes (2) school. His favorite subject is Geography. He can name all fifty states and their capitals. How many can you name?

For math this year (3) Brian’s taking (4) Algebra. He studies hard (5) and does his homework. Still, (6) Algebra is not his favorite class.

Brian hasn’t started (7) studying a foreign language, but hopes (8) to study French. His older (9) sister did and then went to France on an exchange (10) program. Brian wants to do that too (11).

Brian also likes history. This year he is studying the Revolutionary War and how the thirteen colonies became (12) the United States of America. There are many historical sites and history museums in Washington DC.

Brian earns good grades in English and likes to read (13). He has read several (14) novels including Treasure Island, and the Harry Potter series. His favorite novel is Huckleberry Finn.

Science is okay, but Brian isn’t especially good at it. The students in Brian’s class are studying about the weather (15). Brian likes studying about space and would like to be an astronaut.

Brian also has a physical education class. It doesn’t seem like (16) a class to him. The students play different games (17): soccer, football, baseball, etc. It’s fun! (18)

Brian earns good grades and always has a good report card. He has a 3.7 GPA. He’s shocked when he receives an “F” in History. He decides to talk with his teacher (19).

His teacher’s name is Mr. Dawson. Brian bravely tells (20) Mr. Dawson that he wants to see him about his grade.

Brian discovers that Mr. Dawson didn’t record (21) a project that he turned in (22).

Brian shows (23) Mr. Dawson his graded project. Mr. Dawson changes (24) Brian’s grade from an F to an A-. Brian is happy that he talked (24) with his teacher.

1)       piensa
2)       le gusta
3)       este año
4)       tomando
5)       duro
6)       Pero/Sin embargo
7)       no ha comenzado
8)       espera
9)       mayor
10)    intercambio
11)    también
12)    llegaron a ser
13)    leer
14)    ha leído varias
15)    tiempo
16)    no le  parece
17)    juegos
18)    divertido
19)    hablar con su maestro
20)    valientemente le dice
21)    no anotó
22)    entregó
23)    le muestra
24)    cambia

25)    habló