Monday, February 9, 2015

22.Talking about School

Foreign Language

Physical Education
report card
grade point average/GPA
study  studied   studying
earn  earned   earning
attend attended  attending
go to   went to   going to
plan   planned   planning

22. Talking About School: Story
Brian is a student at Sousa Middle School in Washington, D.C. He attends the seventh grade. He plans on (1) going to Theodore Roosevelt High School.

Brian likes (2) school. His favorite subject is Geography. He knows all the names (3) of all fifty states and their capitals.

For math this year (4) he’s taking (5) Algebra. Brian studies hard (6) and does his homework. Algebra is not his favorite class.

Brian hopes (7) to study French in high school. His older sister went (8) to France and Brian wants to do that too (9).

Brian also does well in history. This year he and his class are studying the Revolutionary War and how the thirteen colonies became (10) the United States of America.

Brian earns good grades in English and likes to read (11). He has read several (12) novels. His favorite novel is Huckleberry Finn.

Science is okay, but Brian isn’t especially good at it. They are studying about the weather (13).

Brian has a physical education class. The students get to play different games (14): soccer, tag football, baseball, etc. It’s fun! (15)

Brian earns good grades and always has a good report card. He has a 3.7 GPA. He’s shocked when he receives an “F” in History. He decides to talk with his teacher (16).

1)       piensa
2)       le gusta
3)       nombres
4)       este año
5)       tomando
6)       duro
7)       espera
8)       hermana mayor fue
9)       quiere hacer esto también
10)   llegaron a ser
11)   leer
12)   ha leído varias
13)   tiempo
14)   juegos
15)   divertido
16)   hablar con su maestro

22. Talking About School: Reading
Brian is twelve years old. He is a student at Sousa Middle School in Washington, D.C. Many tourists visit Washington, D.C., the capital of the United States.

During the week, Brian attends the seventh grade. He plans on (1) going to Theodore Roosevelt High School, when he gets to the ninth grade.

Brian likes (2) school. His favorite subject is Geography. He can name all fifty states and their capitals. How many can you name?

For math this year (3) Brian’s taking (4) Algebra. He studies hard (5) and does his homework. Still, (6) Algebra is not his favorite class.

Brian hasn’t started (7) studying a foreign language, but hopes (8) to study French. His older (9) sister did and then went to France on an exchange (10) program. Brian wants to do that too (11).

Brian also likes history. This year he is studying the Revolutionary War and how the thirteen colonies became (12) the United States of America. There are many historical sites and history museums in Washington DC.

Brian earns good grades in English and likes to read (13). He has read several (14) novels including Treasure Island, and the Harry Potter series. His favorite novel is Huckleberry Finn.

Science is okay, but Brian isn’t especially good at it. The students in Brian’s class are studying about the weather (15). Brian likes studying about space and would like to be an astronaut.

Brian also has a physical education class. It doesn’t seem like (16) a class to him. The students play different games (17): soccer, football, baseball, etc. It’s fun! (18)

Brian earns good grades and always has a good report card. He has a 3.7 GPA. He’s shocked when he receives an “F” in History. He decides to talk with his teacher (19).

His teacher’s name is Mr. Dawson. Brian bravely tells (20) Mr. Dawson that he wants to see him about his grade.

Brian discovers that Mr. Dawson didn’t record (21) a project that he turned in (22).

Brian shows (23) Mr. Dawson his graded project. Mr. Dawson changes (24) Brian’s grade from an F to an A-. Brian is happy that he talked (24) with his teacher.

1)       piensa
2)       le gusta
3)       este año
4)       tomando
5)       duro
6)       Pero/Sin embargo
7)       no ha comenzado
8)       espera
9)       mayor
10)    intercambio
11)    también
12)    llegaron a ser
13)    leer
14)    ha leído varias
15)    tiempo
16)    no le  parece
17)    juegos
18)    divertido
19)    hablar con su maestro
20)    valientemente le dice
21)    no anotó
22)    entregó
23)    le muestra
24)    cambia

25)    habló

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