Saturday, February 7, 2015

19.Talking About Your Hobbies

hymn book
play  played  playing
like liked liking
read  read  reading
learn learned  learning

19. Talking About Your Hobbies: Story
Jimmy is a dragon. He lives in Dallas, Texas, with his family. Everyone (1) in his family has a hobby.
Jimmy’s brother Elmo likes sports. Elmo plays soccer with his school’s team (2).

Jimmy’s sister, Elvira, swims and sings in the school’s choir (3). She really likes (4) music and might join the school band. (5)

Jimmy’s father, Terrance, likes music too. He plays the guitar and sings. He especially likes to perform (6) at church socials. He also likes to read. He reads (7) many books—mostly about history and religion.

Jimmy’s mother, Rebecca, or Becky for short, (8) is very active in the church choir (9). She leads (10) the congregational singing where everyone sings from the hymn book.

Becky can also play the piano. She likes to sew and sometimes makes shirts (11) for Jimmy and other family members.

Sometimes Becky and Terrance go to dances. This is unusual (12) for dragon parents. Dancing is mostly for teenagers (13)

Jimmy is trying (14)  to learn to play the piano, but he’s not very good at it.
The whole (15) family likes sports. They often (16) go to school soccer and basketball games (17). They even watch games together (18) on TV—World Series. Baseball is their favorite. They sometimes even (19) sing during the “seventh inning stretch” (20):

Take me out (21) to the ball game.
 Take me out with the crowd (22).
Buy me some peanuts (23) and Cracker Jack.
I don’t care if I ever get back (24).
Let me root, (25) root, root for the home team (26).
If they don’t win, (27) it’s a shame (28).
For (29) it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out (30)
At the old ball game!

1)       Todos
2)       equipo de su escuela
3)       coro
4)       le encanta
5)       es posible que se junte con la banda de la escuela
6)       actuar
7)       ha leído
8)       para corto
9)       coro de la iglesia
10)    dirige
11)    a veces hace camisas
12)    inusual
13)    principalmente para jóvenes
14)    tratando
15)    entera
16)    a menudo
17)    partidos
18)    juntos
19)    a veces aun
20)    séptimo tramo de entrada
21)    Llévenme
22)    gentío
23)    cacahuetes
24)    No me importa si jamás vuelva [a casa]
25)    gritar/animar
26)    equipo del vecindario
27)    ganan
28)    lástima
29)    Porque
30)    golpes y estás fuera
19. Talking About Your Hobbies: Reading
Jimmy is a dragon. Well, (1) he’s not actually (2) a dragon. He’s a horned lizard.(3) He’s a small lizard. Jimmy is about four inches long with little spikes. (4)

Jimmy lives in Dallas, Texas, with his family. Dallas is the third largest city in Texas with a population of 1.2 million.

Everyone (5) in Jimmy’s family has a hobby. His brother Elmo likes sports. Elmo plays soccer with his school’s team (6).

Jimmy’s sister Elvira swims. She also sings in the school’s choir (7). Elvira really likes (8) music and might join (9) the school band. She wants to learn to play (10) the trombone.

Jimmy’s father, Terrance, likes music too. He plays the guitar and sings. Terrance especially likes to perform (11) at church socials. He also likes to read. He reads the scriptures and occasionally a novel.

Jimmy’s mother, Rebecca, or Becky for short, (12) is very active in the church choir (13). She sings soprano. She leads (14) the congregational singing where everyone sings from the hymn book. She can also play the piano.

Becky also likes to sew and sometimes makes shirts (15) for Jimmy and other family members. They like to show off these (16) shirts to their friends.

Sometimes Becky and Terrance go to dances. This is unusual (17) for dragon parents.(18) Dancing is mostly for teenagers (19). Becky and Terrance especially like to square dance. (20)

Jimmy is trying (21) to learn to play the piano, but he’s not very good at it. His mother makes him practice every day when he’d rather (22) play video games or play outside. (23)

The whole (24) family likes sports. They often (25) go to school soccer and basketball games (26). They even watch games together (27) on TV—especially the World Series. Baseball is their favorite game.

They sometimes even stand (28) and sing during the “seventh inning stretch” (29):

Take me out (30) to the ball game.
Take me out with the crowd (31).
Buy me some peanuts (32) and Cracker Jacks.
I don’t care if I ever get back (33).
Let me root, (34) root, root for the home team (35).
If they don’t win, (36) it’s a shame (37).
For (38) it’s one, two, three strikes you’re out (39)
At the old ball game!
1)       Pues
2)       verdaderamente
3)       lagarto cornudo o sapo cornudo
4)       pinchos
5)       Todos
6)       el equipo de su escuela
7)       coro de la escuela
8)       le encanta
9)       es posible que se junte
10)    quiere aprender a tocar
11)    actuar
12)    para corto
13)    coro de la iglesia
14)    dirige
15)    a veces hace camisas
16)    mostrar estas
17)    inusual
18)    padres
19)    principalmente para jóvenes
20)    contradanza
21)    está tratando
22)    preferiría
23)    afuera
24)    entera
25)    a menudo
26)    partidos
27)    juntos
28)    a veces aun se paran
29)    séptimo tramo de entrada
30)    Llévenme
31)    gentío
32)    cacahuetes
33)    No me importa si jamás vuelvo
34)    gritar animar
35)    equipo del vecindario
36)    ganan
37)    lástima
38)    Porque
39)    golpes y estás fuera

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