Saturday, May 16, 2015

37. Going to the Pharmacy

insurance card
drop off
pick up
37. Going to the Pharmacy: Story

There’s a boy named Fred. He gets sick and turns into a porcupine. (2) He takes (3) some over-the-counter medicine.

Fred takes the full bottle of pills. When the bottle is empty Fred is still (4) a porcupine.

Fred goes to the doctor. The doctor tells Fred he needs to take some special medicine. The doctor gives him (5) a prescription for antibiotics.

Fred goes to the pharmacy near his (6) home. The pharmacist asks for Fred’s insurance card. He fills Fred’s prescription. He tells Fred there will be (7) no refills.

Fred picks up the bottle of antibiotic pills and carries them home. (8) Over two weeks, (9) he takes all the pills.  They don’t work (10)—he is still a porcupine.

Fred goes to Saint Louis, Missouri.  He goes up (11) The Gateway Arch. There he meets (12) a Native American Indian woman named (13) Sacagawea.

Sacagawea says she can give him the medicine he needs. She drops off the pills at Fred’s house (14) the next day. (15)

He takes her pills and turns back into (16) a boy. Fred is very happy!
  1. ….(oops)
  2. se enferma y se vuelve en puercoespín
  3. toma
  4. todavía
  5. le da
  6. cerca de
  7. habrá
  8. los lleva a casa
  9. Sobre dos semanas
  10. no sirven
  11. sube
  12. conoce
  13. una indígena llamada
  14. en la casa de Fred
  15. día siguiente
  16. se vuelve en

37. Going to the Pharmacy: Reading
FFred Flintstone lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. He goes to Las Vegas High School. He is a normal boy and likes (1) his family and his school. (2)

FFred goes downtown (3) to Fremont Street with some of his friends to hang out. (4)

While they are there, (5) a bear hits (6) Fred on the head with a pinecone. (7) That night, Fred turns into a porcupine! (8)

 The next day, (9) Fred doesn’t go to school—he goes to the doctor’s. The doctor thinks (10) Fred has an exotic 
ddisease (11) and gives him a prescription for some antibiotic pills.

FFred goes to the pharmacy to get his prescription filled. (12) The pharmacist is very busy. (13)

FFred drops off the prescription and comes back (14) in an hour to pick up the antibiotics. He brings (15) his           insurance card to pay (16) for the medicine.

TThe pharmacist tells him he needs to take (17) two pills every four hours with food. (18)

FFred follows (19) the pharmacist’s instructions perfectly. But the pills don’t work. (20) Fred is still (21) a porcupine.

Fred goes to Saint Louis, Missouri to visit his sister. (22) She is happy to see him but surprised that he’s now a porcupine.

They go visit the famous Gateway Arch. (23) While (24) they are visiting the monument, Fred meets (25) a beautiful Indian princess (26) named Sacagawea.

FFred tells her that he is really (27) a boy and not a porcupine.

SSacagawea says she knows an old Indian remedy (28) that will help him. (29) She gives him a bottle filled with bbrown liquid made from (30) pinecones and insects.

FFred drinks (31) the medicine and is instantly cured. (32) Fred is very happy. He thanks Sacagawea for her help aand asks her (33) to refill the bottle in case (34) he has another problem like this again. (35)

  1. quiere a
  2. su escuela
  3. Hay
  4. pasar un rato
  5. Mientras están allí
  6. oso le pega
  7. cono del pino
  8. se vuelve en puercoespín
  9. El día siguiente
  10. cree/piensa
  11. tiene una enfermedad exótica
  12. llenado
  13. ocupado
  14. vuelve
  15. trae
  16. pagar
  17. tomar
  18. con comida
  19. sigue
  20. no sirven
  21. todavía
  22. a su hermana
  23. Arco de Gateway
  24. Mientras
  25. conoce
  26. hermosa princesa india
  27. en verdad
  28. un remedio viejo indio
  29. le ayudará
  30. líquido moreno hecho de
  31. bebe/toma
  32. se cura instantemente
  33. le pide
  34. en caso de que
  35. como ése otra vez

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